Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Embedded System and IoT Laboratory


Category-I: On Board Debug Interface in TI MSP430, TIVA C Series Launchpad

  1. Introduction to GPIO Programming
  2. Hibernation Module & Wake Up Interrupt
  3. Timer & Watchdog Timer
  4. IQ Math Library

Category-II: Sensor Data Programming for IoT

  1. Temperature Sensor
  2. Interfacing Potentiometer, Study of Sensing Analog Data
  3. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
  4. UART Serial Communication

Case Study Project: Speed Control using PWM by Analog Input (Potentiometer) Features can be added: Interrupt, Watchdog Timer.

Category-III: Implementation of IoT Applications using TI MSP430, TIVA Launchpad

  1. Setting up HTTP Server using CC3100
  2. Setting up CC3100 as Server/Client
  3. Setting up Wi-Fi Chat Server
  4. Familiarization with various sensors using Grove Kits

Category-IV: Implementation of IoT Applications using TI MSP430, TIVA Launchpad

  1. GPIO Control using Smart Phone
  2. Cloud Connected Sensor Network

Case Study Project: Weather Monitoring and Alarming using IoT Sensor Network.

Case Study Project: Smart Plug & Remote Controlled Home Appliances